Monday, April 21, 2008

A Blalock Family Legacy?

When I first exchanged vows and took on the Blalock name, I had yet to meet the rest of the Blalock's. I always knew Josh was a little uhm, shall we say, different. I thought that maybe he just had a unique way of expressing his personality. Little did I know, that he was just one from a long line of the Blalocks, exhibiting odd behavior. Please refer to exhibit 1, below.

I thought it possible, that I could take on the Blalock name, while keeping my individuality and maturity safely in tact. However, it turns out that what I thought was a Blalock genetic mutation, is actually viral, and highly contagious. Though I am not related by blood, I seem to have contracted the very same virus, plaguing the Blalocks for many generations. Please see exhibit 2, below.

Archives of medical journals, and multiple medical text books are all lacking identification of this particular virus. Though medical technology has advanced, there isn't sufficient funding allocated to research of the Blalock virus.

I have concluded that it may be passed from a male host, bearing the Blalock name, to the unsuspecting female counterpart, also known as the wife. It is then passed down to the children.
While the Blalock women by marriage are able to maintain some form of normalcy from time to time, their ability to lead normal lives in brought into question. If you look closely at the picture, you will realize something is not quite right. Exhibit 3.

How the virus affects one sibling more than the other is not completely understood at this point. It is believed that the male sibling is affected to a deeper extent, however, that remains to be determined. You will see the female Blalock sibling below, in exhibit 4
I have contacted many medical research teams, seeking answers to the age old "what's wrong with the Blalock's" question, but they will not come into contact with me, out of fear of contracting the virus. This subject is therefore pending further investigation.


Harry Blalock said...

This post is completely bogus. If you didn't notice, there are no pictures of the oldest living male patriarch of the Blalock clan, me. And why not? Because I'm perfectly normal and sane and exhibit none of those traits. I happen to be mature, rational and reserved. I believe I've made my point.

Sarah Beth said...

Awesome blog, Regis, and it answers so many questions for me relating to why people run screaming at the mere sight of me. It's the last name! Well, at least that means Chris is safe, should he decide to join the family.

Traci Vanderbush said...

You're so hilarious, Thither.