Friday, June 6, 2008

A Dog Day- Literally

Ben at the Dog Park, trying to catch a squirrel.

Okay, so I'm sitting at home trying to kick off the start to my weekend, and Josh is still stuck at work, which makes my night pretty boring. I already took the dogs to the dog park, and got stuck in a horrible down pour of rain and hail on the way back home. Ben doesn't like storms and has been climbing into my lap and shaking out of fear all night.

Here is Joe, begging to go to the dog park.

And here is Ben, being a complete chicken about the thunder and lightning.

I had started to put together another posting, that would have been better than this one, but before my posting saved, Ty managed to bump the power off button on the computer, thereby turning it off, and losing my post. Thanks Ty.

Since Josh is having to work late again, I had dinner by myself again. Joe was happy to eat my left overs, plus his own food. You can see how serious Joe is about his food.

The last couple nights, Josh and the guys on his work team have been having to work 10-15 hour shifts, so I'm happy I have the dogs to keep me company tonight. I've been working lots of extra hours myself, so I'm looking forward to the next time that Josh and I finally find ourselves having time off at the same time. It has been a very long, exhausting, and frustrating week for both of us, and he still has to work this weekend :(

So, tomorrow I'm going to take the neighbor to the beach with me. Hopefully I'll manage to snap a few pics for a new post.

For now, I will cuddle up on the couch and end my night by listening to Joe bark every time a door bell rings on television.

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