Thursday, June 19, 2008

Just Not Right

Between Josh and I working, Josh's school, normal affairs of life, and stuff that just keeps us crazy busy, we've been missing out on our relaxing beach days together. I think it's just not right that I live 10 minutes from the beach, but haven't made it out to the beach in about 2 weeks. I think my tan is fading.

This pic was of my last beach day, a couple weeks ago. I enjoyed a beautiful sunset, while Josh enjoyed my rear, I guess. lol
On the topic of things not being right, the fact that right now I am drinking coffee without one granule of sugar in it falls under that category. No time to make it to the grocery store, so I'm drinking bold coffee with unsweetened soy milk in it, instead of cows milk. Obviously, I need the caffeine quite badly. Maybe I just need a job that doesn't involve mental clarity? Hmmm...

Amid our chaos, Joe, our littlest dog has been mad at me for returning to the work world and leaving him home. He has deemed it necessary to pour his wrath upon me by tearing up my clothing. Mainly my pants, and sports bras. During this post, I just lost another sports bra. So, now another article of clothing to hit the trash can. Yet, he can look so innocent.
I know this is a short blog, but I've got to get ready for work. I have determined to have a fun and relaxing weekend at the end of this work week, so I will take lots of pics and make a nice post soon.

Looking forward to Fridays, bright skies and beautiful days~

That's it for now.

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