Friday, August 29, 2008

Josh Turns 25

As I write this blog, I sit back and smile. After Josh's relentless teasing about me being older than him, I am counting down the days until September 8, 2008. Why? Because, that is the day that Josh will turn 25 years old. No longer on the down side of 20, but rather on the upside. I am hoping that this will stifle at least some of Josh's comments about me being old.

These pics are from Josh's 24th birthday.

With limited kitchen supplies, I managed to provide Josh with a birthday funny looking as it was. Then I settled for a big taper candle since I didn't have any small ones.
The dogs were eager to help devour the cake. I just had to get in on the action.

Looking back at those pics brings back good memories, but also reminds me of just how much has changed in one year. We have had many good times, and challenging times, but I am happy that I have gotten to share in a year of Josh's life so far.

When I think about where we were at this time last year, compared to where we are now, I am made aware of how hard Josh has worked to give us a better life. I am also reminded of how many times he has made me laugh in just one year of his life.

So, maybe he will spare me the teasing.... at least until October hits. Then it's birthday time for me. (Maybe without the sombrero this year :)

Getting older really isn't such a bad thing. Thanks for all the good times, Josh. There is no one I would rather grow older with than you.

Happy 25th!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for being such an amazing lovehead! It makes me genuinely smile to know that you are happy growing old with me, cause I am spending my life with the exact person that I want to be spending it with. On a lighter side, I highly doubt another year will lessen the teasing about you being older, but I suppose you can always hope...I love you, Regis!

KelliOnSaipan said...

Josh seems to follow his Dad in a number of ways - one of them being teasing the wife about being older. But truth be told, they are blessed to have us older, hot, amazing women! Ha.