Since buying a house, I've become quite impressed with my husband's constructive abilities. He successfully completed a rather complex ceiling fan installation, built a small fence, installed a dog door, and built the Taj Mahal of Guinea Pig cages, all in a 2-3 week period. On top of all this, he has gone to work, battled his way through 2 college classes, and much more. I think I married Super Man.
Our 4th of July weekend began with wonderful date night on Friday. When Saturday rolled around it was time for another project: Installing the 3rd section of privacy fence surrounding our backyard. Josh began the day by taking measurements, and then we headed to Lowe's.
Concrete in hand, Josh began the daunting task.

Holes were dug, and posts were put in place, fixed with quick set concrete, since it's rainy season here.
Here is Josh applying some finishing touches after a long day of work. Look at what a nice gate he made :)

Then it was time to stain and seal the wood. I felt more confident with a paintbrush in hand that I did with assisting Josh in the fence construction, so I was happy to begin a project so simple. Paintbrush in hand, I went to work.
During the course of applying the stain, I started to feel a little happy. Nice stain fumes.

Obviously, I had way too much fun with a simple task.

This would be what happens when I want Josh to put the camera down.

The fun didn't stop upon completion of our project. Next came a rewarding dip in the pool, and then Josh grilled some meat for dinner. He was very happy to have some red meat, since that isn't something that's usually in his diet.

I attempted to make up for his red meat mortal sin by cooking a spaghetti squash so that he would have something healthy to eat for dinner the next day.

Our day ended with a nice dinner together. Josh made it a candle light, TV tray dinner. Very romantic, and very odd. I guess that's what attracted us to each other in the first place.
Anyway, we are both very happy that the fence installation project is over.
It looks like you two are becoming quite the "Tim "the Toolman" Taylors". The house is looking great, and I can't wait to come see it, especially if Josh is grilling out steaks!
Wow, good job you guys! It sounds like Josh is burning the candle at both ends, though, with classes, work and construction. I hope you get time to relax soon.
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