In December '07, Josh was outprocessing the military, and seeking employment, without much luck. Adding to the pressure, the lease on our apartment was ending, effective midnight of New Years Eve. Without a place lined up to live, our apartment was neatly packed into rows of boxes.
Just getting the boxes is a story in itself. It involved Josh having to pee in a Starbuck's cup, on our anniversary. But, moving on, we found out 3 days prior to our move that Josh landed a promising job in Florida. After much prayer, and agony, we made the move. Josh drove a 26 ft. long Penske truck, towing my car behind it, while I drove the SUV, loaded down with household stuff, 3 dogs, and myself. We drove over New Years Eve, and New Years day. With a stop in Mississippi, where we spent the night at Josh's ex girlfriend's cousins' house. LOL Very sweet and wonderul couple put us up for a couple nights to give us a break. Then we finally arrived in FL, and it was then that an avocado green bath tub became beautiful in my eyes. Not for it's color, but for the hot, salt bath it offered my weary shoulders upon arrival.
So many things have transpired since our move 1) Josh is out of the military! 2) He and I now have GREAT tans! 3) We've both shaped up, since we changed our lifestyle to working out and keeping a healthy diet. 4) Poor Joe, our youngest dog recently lost his manhood 5) I ate GATOR for the first time. Probably for the last time, too.
Josh and I are now doing good. We are enjoying living near beaches, and playing in the sunshine. Additionally, my health has markedly improved, since leaving San Antonio.
The dogs are thrilled about having a yard to run around in, and are enjoying frequent outings to the local dog parks and dog beaches.
Josh and I are now doing good. We are enjoying living near beaches, and playing in the sunshine. Additionally, my health has markedly improved, since leaving San Antonio.
The dogs are thrilled about having a yard to run around in, and are enjoying frequent outings to the local dog parks and dog beaches.
OK- that's enough for now. Enjoy the pics.
1 comment:
Very nice blog! I'm looking forward to future posts of your life. Thanks for sharing.
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