Sunday, November 30, 2008
The skeptical, antagonistic mind has trouble recognizing God as being faithful. When we are not where we'd hope to be in life, we begin to call God's faithfulness into question. I realized tonight that though we may not happy in some areas of life, whether it be spiritually, physically or mentally, that we need to stop being passive and lazily pointing a finger at God for the status of our situations, when God has fully equipped us with what we need to improve our situations.
A memory from my childhood surfaces: I was dog tired and trying to sleep one night, but was kept awake by a bug crawling on a piece of paper in my floor. The bug made so much noise, but I was so sleepy that I didn't want to move. I ended up praying that God would just strike the bug dead so that there would be silence and I could sleep. Upon ending my prayer, I heard "I gave you hands. Use them."
Of course, there are situations physical and spiritual that need divine intervention from God, but in the smaller aspects of day to day life, let us put forth the effort and use what God has given us to improve our lives in the areas that need to be improved upon.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
My next favorite thing about the holiday season is a chance to dress up for Christmas parties. I went shopping and came home with two dresses. My plan was to return the one Josh didn't like, but he liked them both. So what to do? I ridiculously took pictures of myself in the dresses and held a "Vote for the Dress" poll on my facebook profile. Below are pics of the winning red dress.
Now, we just have to figure out if Josh is going to go all out "big pimping'" in his white suite from Okinawa or not. We will be sure to post some pics soon.
OK, so this blog was kind of boring, but that's all I've got for now. We will be having Thanksgiving dinner with our neighbors, so I will post pics soon.
Friday, November 14, 2008
2 Years Already
Josh has been a very good husband and I couldn't have found a better man to share my life with. I'm thankful for everything I've been given through our relationship.
I was so blessed to be able to have our wedding in Texas, in the beautiful hill country, and then a wonderful tropical wedding with family in Saipan. Two weddings. What more could a girl ask for? I still remember shopping for my wedding dress with my mom, and planning some details for the Saipan wedding with my future mom in law. Those were exciting times.
The sad thing is that I am hormonal right now, and really depressed to the point of tears, because I wanted to be able to watch our wedding DVDs on our anniversary, but the DVD of our wedding in Texas is still gone, MIA. It has been gone for two years now, and along with it, the original footage. All I have are some pictures. Before our trip to Saipan, Josh thought he copied the wedding DVD into our computer before we left. We left the DVD in Saipan, and returned home to find that Josh had not copied the DVD after all.
I am still scratching my head, thinking why wasn't more than one DVD made? Why did Josh think he had copied it onto our computer? Why is the original footage gone? Why haven't I been able to solve the case of the missing DVD in two years?
If anyone reading this knows where the wedding DVD might be, or has any footage of the Texas wedding, can you please, please, please let me know?
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Pumpkin Carving Pics
This would be me, trying to capture a picture of excitement.
Gotta love my outfit. lol It was cold outside.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Dog Beach Time!!!
Another random Florida view on the way back from the dog beach.
Hillsborough County Traffic Cops
Anyway, today I came across another blatant misuse of authority. When my husband was in Hillsborough county, stopped at a traffic light, the cop behind him decided he was bored and would run my husband's plates. He then proceeded to pull my husband over and tell him he was writing him a citation for expired vehicle registration. Our registration was still valid, as reflected by the vehicle stickers. This cop was obviously bored or just felt like harassing someone. Upon realizing his mistake, and that he couldn't write a ticket for expired tags, the cop began to survey our vehicle, and wrote my husband a citation for a burnt out light bulb. The cop told my husband that the fee would only be $7 if paid within 30 day. My husband made the ridiculously long drive to the sheriff's office to pay the fee within the 30 day period, and it turns out the cop had obviously lied to my husband, or was simply dumb, because they charged my husband $91.00. Yes, $91 freaking dollars for a burnt out light bulb! My husband and I didn't even know the bulb was burnt out, so it must have happened that day. What about a warning? Not a $91 ticket, just because you accidentally pull someone over by mistake?
So, stupid Hillsborough County got nearly $100 out of us by abusing their authority. I can't stand people who are supposed to represent justice being unjust.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A New Season
The newness in the air has awakened my senses to a newness in life. Following that parallel, I have been challenged to analyze the spiritual, mental, and physical status of myself, and to strive to create new life in each of those aspects. Just as a tree cannot go year around without dropping leaves, neither can a soul go on holding onto each "damaged leaf" it bears without those leaves slowing sapping life out of them. There are some things we have to let go. Only after letting those things go will we find the motivation, grace and strength to grow in other areas.
There have been times when I've associated my damaged leaves so closely with my identity, that I've mistaken one for the other. I have damaged leaves that I am in the process of dropping. So many, in fact, that I'm thinking if I were a tree, I'd be naked of leaves and wondering if I was still a tree. Yet, I'm aware that hanging onto damaged leaves causes decay, even in our relationships with our spouses.
Whether it be spiritually, physically, or mentally, I think there are some damaged leaves the Lord would like to see us drop, so that He can revive newness of life within us.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
27th Birthday
It all began on Thursday night, when Josh gave me some pre-birthday gifts.
Below is Joe giving me some birthday love.
Josh and I split the Apple Dumpling dessert. Though it was soooo good, I just couldn't finish my half.
After I got a massage, we went out for a pizza dinner since I haven't had pizza in a very long time. This is how I look with part of my head chopped off. lol
We ended the night with a dip in the swimming pool, which was the perfect end to a perfect night.
Thanks so much Josh for working so hard to make my birhtday memorable and wonderful. I'm blessed to have such a loving husband.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
I must say that I married well. Despite how worn out we get, Josh still makes me smile. I am happy to be married to him.
The chaotic schedule of life lately has made me aware of how often we forget about the blessings in our life, just because we get too busy to think about them. I'm praying that even though I'm busy, I don't get too busy to thank God for every day that Josh and I have together....and that I don't forget to enjoy the little things, as well as the big things.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Josh's Birthday
And then Monday came, which was Josh's real official birthday. We celebrated at his restaurant of choice, where he was in Heaven with lobster tail and steak.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Austin Pics
The hurricane Ike didn't affect any of my flights, but it sure did mess with Texas. Sorry, Taco Shack, but your sign didn't work.
Monday, September 15, 2008
When God moved us from Austin to Florida, I struggled with the emotional pain of not having easy access to family members, as well as frustration about having to leave behind the state in which my massage therapy license was valid. I had many things to give up, and I fought with God about many of them. Even when I finally "surrendered to what God was doing", I found that I had the occasional root of bitterness spring up in me from time to time due to those factors. Through this, I realized that a sacrifice made out of love and obedience is a beautiful thing, but one made out of half heartedness and bitterness is an ugly thing.
I still have a soft spot in my mind for Austin, and I enjoyed seeing family. All of that aside, the trip made me realize something. It made me realize that I'm not exactly who I used to be. I began to wonder what has changed in my identity.
Many times I've heard people talk about "Finding yourself". I discovered, through much pain, that by yielding to the will of God, giving yourself up, giving your identity up, giving your income potential up, while not holding any bitterness for what you've given up, will give you a different identity. A better identity. I am still striving towards that better identity. The path isn't always easy, and there are many demons that mock along the threatened by seeing a human being conforming to the image of Christ.
Love is a funny thing. We like to equate it with feelings of happiness and our needs being met, but all along, love is the opposite of selfishness. So, sometimes it hurts.
There are two kinds of people. 1) People who can, through God's strength, love even though it hurts and not be bitter and 2) People who love, but are bitter about the pain it causes, and therefore spend the rest of their lives miserable because they feel someone they "loved" did them wrong, or didn't do what they would have wanted.
The latter of the two are angry people. They are angry about what they have given up in the name of love. They are angry. Very angry. Not able to forgive, their faces grow bitter. Their anger turns outward. Part of them loves, while the other part of them causes destruction because of the pain of love. They are in constant battle with themselves.
If love is supposed to be a selfless thing, then why do so many of us try to love selfishly? What is the motive behind our love? Why are we still trying to hang onto things to be bitter about?
May God place within our hearts the ability to love like He has love us... And the strength to give up any bitterness or resentment that we have been holding onto. Grace and love are still there, if only the angry person will accept it.
Hopefully this post makes sense. I came back from the trip sick as a dog, and I'm writing with a fever.
The whole point is: What is the motivation behind your love?
Friday, August 29, 2008
Josh Turns 25
When I think about where we were at this time last year, compared to where we are now, I am made aware of how hard Josh has worked to give us a better life. I am also reminded of how many times he has made me laugh in just one year of his life.
So, maybe he will spare me the teasing.... at least until October hits. Then it's birthday time for me. (Maybe without the sombrero this year :)
Getting older really isn't such a bad thing. Thanks for all the good times, Josh. There is no one I would rather grow older with than you.
Happy 25th!!!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Happy Things