Saturday, May 31, 2008
Fun Weekend in St. Pete
Friday, May 23, 2008
Ready for a Weekend
I told the dogs we were going on a car ride to the farmer's market. They got very excited, and started barking and jumping around. I dug through my purse for the car keys and couldn't find them. A sick feeling of dread began to grow, as I considered where the keys might be. I walked outside, to the locked vehicle only to have my suspicions confirmed. The keys were in the cup holder, inside of the locked vehicle, as you will see.
Nope. Didn't work. The next attempt would have to be something better....
With thumb tacks, I created my own pair of tap shoes. The tacks wouldn't stay in place, so I ended up wearing black shoes with a brown outfit. Yeah. Times are rough for my shoes....
So, I loaded up in the van with the neighbors, and their 2 yr. old grandson. It was an awkward drive, because on the way down they needed to pick up their daughter in law. So, I introduced myself to their daughter in law as the neighbor who had to bum a ride. Also, the 2 yr. old boy kept trying to talk to me, and I couldn't for the life of me tell what he was saying.
Finally, I arrived at work, for the rest of a semi-normal day. Josh was supposed to get off work at 3:00, and come pick me up, but ended up having to work until past 4 pm. Needless to say , I had to hang around after work for him to show up and take me home. Thankfully, by the end of the day I was reunited with my beautiful car keys.
I am so ready for a relaxing weekend!
Monday, May 19, 2008
So Long Vacation
Everything about today, sends off the unmistakable message that vacation is over. While I could view that as disappointment, I feel anticipation instead. Anticipation to get back to the task of pounding out another billion miles on the treadmill, taking care of the house, doing laundry and all that stuff. I find comfort in knowing that I'm working on what God gave me. A satisfaction that horribly lazy people will never understand is the feeling of effort, rewarded.
Steve, Brit & Kate at Crystal River
Sister Time on Reddington Beach
Josh and I at The Hut
Kate being Kate
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Family Visit
The picture above is Josh's brand new razor phone, and wallet that took a dip in Crystal River. The phone never recovered, but the wallet made it out of ICU. It turns out that ruining razor phones by going into large bodies of water with them, is a genetic defect. Like father, like son.
Yes, this is what it appears. We had to stop the pontoon boat to let Britany contribute to the water levels of Crystal River. No wonder we couldn't find any manatees. No one wanted to reach in to pull the ladder up, either.
This ice cream went in blue, but came out florescent green. Very strange and yucky.
Hmmm.... I hope Steve isn't lactose intolerant.
The Lion King's "Circle of Life" Debut.
A really strange dog napper
This is what happens when you tell Brit and Steve to look happy after a stressful morning of packing.
Let my arm pit serve as a prime example of what happens when you let Josh have the camera.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
My Best Friend
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Venice Beach & Pool Party
Britany, Pam, Pam's Husband ( I forgot his name ;) and I
While "Mommy" chilled in the sun.
Half way, through the day, Josh and I had our brains so fully cooked by the sun, that everything, at least to me, seemed pretty funny, as you can tell. I am writing this hours after this picture was taken, and I feel even more out of it. So, if this blog is strange, blame it on too much sunshine and exhaustion.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Family Visit- Days 1 & 2
I really enjoyed being on the beach with my sister again. It reminded us of many family visits to Corpus Christi, in Texas. (although the water is prettier here)
As we were having fun in the sun, we spotted a manatee coming near the shoreline to feed. Or maybe he was lost...I have no clue what he was doing, though he seemed pretty content to hang around the shoreline for a while.
Kate had a lot of fun playing with her sand toys, making turtle and crab shapes in the sand, only to stomp them into unidentifiable bits. Then she became consumed in a game of chasing a sand piper all of the beach.
Later, she and I sat in the water, to let the waves to splash us pretty good. We both got loaded down with sand in our drawers. Thankfully the camera wasn't around for that.
A highlight of the day was when Kate accidentally called Josh "Auntie Josh" instead of "Uncle Josh".
After our beach visit, we went to John's Pass (a popular tourist attraction near the water) where we ate the most expensive ice cream ever, thanks to Steve.
Continuing our journey, we came across a fishing boat that had just docked. The fisherman began cleaning their fish, and throwing the left over fish parts to Pelicans who were eagerly awaiting their daily feeding.
Then, we had dinner at the Green Iguana. Kate had fun with "Uncle Josh", watching ducks swim in the cove below the pier. She fed them lots of tortilla chips.
That's it for now. More to come soon!