I've had a crappy string of events unfolding in my life since last night. I thought you guys might be humored by these incidents, so here we go:
Last night, Josh and I were supposed to pick up a chase lounge that someone was selling. The seller agreed to hold the lounge for us, so we made the long drive to pick the item up. Upon arrival, no body was home. I called the phone number the seller had given me several times, only to be forwarded to voice mail. So, Josh and I decided to head down the road to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner. During what turned out to be a 30 minute wait for our food to get to our table, I finally got in touch with the seller of the lounge, who informed me he had "just sold the lounge". The butt freak didn't even have the common sense to notify me before the long drive. So, I tried to brush off ill thoughts of wasted gasoline, and get back to sitting there waiting for our food for the rest of eternity. We finally made it home around 8:15 pm. I thought that was just one strange event....little did I know that string of "luck" would follow me into the next day.
This morning, I put in my Tae Bo workout DVD. I was pumped, and had my heart set on a good workout. 11 minutes later, I just had to stop the workout, because it's not a good time of the month. Certain objects on my chest hurt too bad to continue the workout. Ugh! Frustration! Today was the start to my least favorite time of the month. It took me longer to select an outfit for work, since I didn't want my little bloated tummy to be showing. After picking what I thought to be the perfect outfit for today, I decided to make the best of my time by going to the farmers market. I've been needing to restock our produce for a while. In a moment of insanity, I took a picture to illustrate how important veggies are in our diet.

I told the dogs we were going on a car ride to the farmer's market. They got very excited, and started barking and jumping around. I dug through my purse for the car keys and couldn't find them. A sick feeling of dread began to grow, as I considered where the keys might be. I walked outside, to the locked vehicle only to have my suspicions confirmed. The keys were in the cup holder, inside of the locked vehicle, as you will see.

This was especially a pain, because I needed to use the car to drive to work. As I was standing outside, looking at the car, trying to figure out how to break into it, the neighbor approached me. Just happens they were going to the area of town I work in. So, seeing my predicament, they offered me a ride. After deciding upon a time to meet at their house, and head out, I then went into the house to try to find shoes that matched my outfit. I pulled out the pair I had planned on wearing that day, and the buckle was broken.

So, I pulled out the next best pair to match my outfit and discovered that the bottom of the shoe was peeling off. What to do? Hmmm..... maybe glue would be my shoe's salvation. Would Elmer's Rubber Cement do the job?

Nope. Didn't work. The next attempt would have to be something better....

With thumb tacks, I created my own pair of tap shoes. The tacks wouldn't stay in place, so I ended up wearing black shoes with a brown outfit. Yeah. Times are rough for my shoes....

So, I loaded up in the van with the neighbors, and their 2 yr. old grandson. It was an awkward drive, because on the way down they needed to pick up their daughter in law. So, I introduced myself to their daughter in law as the neighbor who had to bum a ride. Also, the 2 yr. old boy kept trying to talk to me, and I couldn't for the life of me tell what he was saying.
Finally, I arrived at work, for the rest of a semi-normal day. Josh was supposed to get off work at 3:00, and come pick me up, but ended up having to work until past 4 pm. Needless to say , I had to hang around after work for him to show up and take me home. Thankfully, by the end of the day I was reunited with my beautiful car keys.
I am so ready for a relaxing weekend!
You are too funny, Regis. I'm sorry your day was crappy, but it's great that you can laugh about it. By the way, you wanna add my blog to your links??
I love you.
HI freaking LARIOUS!!! You're a crack up. I can just picture you taking pictures of your busted shoe and keys in the car...
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